vineri, 21 mai 2010


My first dream with the men was some years ago and i can say it was the first and last time i saw better his face .....he was young tall with brown-blonde hair, blue-green eyes dont know exactly but was something like that...he had beautiful
it was night and i saw me with black long curly hair andd in a red sexy dress i was goind down on the stairs from a house but was not light there and when i did get down from the building in the door i saw this men looking at me and smiling...i looked at him and i was thinking who is he?? after some seconds he said to me u ready?? i said yes but something like affraid... i go outside and then he gives me the key from his car....a very beautiful sport car red to...and he says: u ride me today...then i was like what? me? i dont know how? then he laugh and said yes u do.....rare...everything was to perfect and i wake up and said why this dream...who is he?.....


I have always rare dreams but who knows why?....but one thing i know they always with me maybe trying to tell me something or show me but the problem is they difficult to understand maybe someday i will figure aout what they mean.
The thing is that in all my dreams appear a young men that goes with me, come for me, gives me missions or he takes me out in different places to have fun!!! But maybe i will tell some dreams so u can understand me better!!!